MyWeb - a personal webserver

Introductory offer: MyWeb costs £6 + £1.50 p&p worldwide

What is MyWeb?

MyWeb is a very simple device which has been designed to get you started with the Internet of Things
The MyWeb device is based on the Espressif 8266 System on Chip. This is a 32 bit microcontroller with integrated WiFi.
MyWeb uses the common ESP-01 module attached to a carrier board containing a voltage regulator and USB A plug.

The USB connection is purely for power. Typically a low cost phone charger is used.

MyWeb is delivered to you as a simple web server. You can use it to create an advertisement or develop your web programming skills without the need for a real server.
There are no server side luxuries like PHP or CGI libraries but MyWeb is quite happy with such things as cascading style sheets (CSS) & JavaScript.

MyWeb was originally conceived as a promotional 'toy' to give away to potential customers. We thought this was a little more fun than the usual memory sticks, pens, paperweights, etc, etc.

We put a webpage on it as an advertisement, but we also wanted users to keep looking at it.

To this end, MyWeb uses a Bosch BMP180 combined temperature & pressure sensor to report the temperature & pressure(!) & actually make it interesting.  It looks like this:

993.52 hPa
19.50 C

This table can actually be inserted in a static web page which is read from permanent memory. You can't really change the appearance of this much, but as an example we added a couple of gauges:
By following the example you can do things like this on your own pages. The dials obviously don't do anything here but in real life they report data just like the table does.

What is it for?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is just around the corner. Web authoring for the IoT is a little different as we're often using devices with very limited performance, no operating system, and no server side tools.
MyWeb provides an introductory platform for aspiring IoT web designers.

As well as this, it's a very convenient tool for anyone setting out to learn web programming. Not everyone has easy access to a server to test their code...


It's quite tricky to demonstrate MyWeb here. To give a clearer idea of what it can do, take a look at the screengrabs below.

It makes sense to start with the home page. In our example it's just an example! You might have something interesting to put here!

Online help is available

MyWeb can function 'standalone' or connect to your network. MyWeb remembers your network and connects automatically in future.
mDNS is supported to make it easier to find on your network.

MyWeb uses a 'flat' file system for simplicity. All files live in the same folder, some are protected so that you can always recover from a disaster.

To create your own webpages you need to write them first on your PC and then upload them.

Introductory offer: MyWeb costs £6 + £1.50 p&p worldwide
